beer party short reviews – a little bit of everything…

My bro is down from the cold north. Elementary/high school friends are over with copious amounts of beer and pizza and other fun shenanigans. We purchased 2 mix-and-match 6-packs, a few complete 6-packs, and about 4 special brew bottles. We are in the process of going through almost all of it in a matter of hours. Please excuse the quality of the reviews. I will do my best to come back tomorrow and up the quality of this post. These are really just notes taken while drinking for several hours, but I still wanted to have a record of what we had and what we all thought.

484837_10152237824784892_944698785_nbells brewery –  third coast old ale – spicy, bitter. medium. 10.2% – bit sharp on the tongue when colder. smoother as it warms up.  hoppy, barley? woody? yummy

1521731_10152237824964892_1584936171_nbell’s brewery – smitten golden rye – smooth, grapefruit-ish, golden. 6.0% lighter beer, easy to drink, but not amazing. yummy summer beer.

1497077_10152237824669892_1991881283_nSixpoint – Resin.  light amber, cloudy, slight head.  “IPA roots, but more of a lager” definite grapefruit. “sessionable” according to Ryan. 9.1%. very summery.

1545926_10152237824314892_138370005_ndogfish head – festina peche – peach champagne style… more like just peach sparkling drink.  not overly sweet, but very peachy.  “Champale” (Andy) – really good, but don’t expect beer. 4.5% – malt beverage. Really yummy! I would drink more of this.  Not too dry.

1609603_10152237824244892_178952789_ncigar city brewing – tocobaga red ale – spicy, grapefruit (again!) “fish tank water with grapefruit and beer, but good” – Andy.  7.2% something else, but not sure what. Spices of some sort. Sharp, but still good.

wpid-20140120_142615.jpg Bell’s Amber ale – 5.8% abv. Beer – like. Medium Amber in color. Good head. Smells a bit fruity (citrus). Full flavor. Not heavy on hops.

wpid-20140120_142833.jpg Omme gang – abbey ale (dubble ale). Amber, ok head. Sour & sweet. Sour comes at the tail end.

wpid-20140120_142819.jpg Samuel Smith’s organic chocolate stout – 5.0% abv. Very chocolate. Sweet and a bit caramel also. Smooth. Very much like eating chocolate caramels. Dark color. Moderate head. Tasty. Would like it more often. Kinda nutty flavor.

wpid-20140120_142957.jpg Fresh Hop by Great Divide Brewing Co. Very hoppy. Semi clear Amber. Eh. I would prefer it in a 12oz bottle. citrus again, but very mild. Bitter. Too many beers for one night..

wpid-20140120_142730.jpg St Barnsbus Abbey – abt 12. Yeast. Cloudy. Can’t tell color. Sour at the beginning finishing sweet. Full flavor. Pleasant.